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Legal information

Company owning the website

JD ENVIRONNEMENT, a one-man simplified joint stock company
1 rue des peupliers 56490 Saint Malo des trois fontaines
Siret : 329 557 144 00014
Company registered with the RCS of Vannes B under the number 329557144
Share capital: €28,875
Intracommunity VAT number: FR 11329557144
Director of the publication : M. Jérôme DREANOO

Tel : 02 30 96 03 63
Email : contact@meteo-shopping.fr

Photo credits

  • Product photos and illustrations are produced by Météo Shopping.
  • Some product photos are provided by the manufacturers. A copyright notice is added where appropriate.


Management, maintenance, development of the site and monitoring of the hosting is carried out by the company SAS METEO CONCEPT. The site is hosted by OVH.

Address : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
Tel : 0 899 701 761 - Fax : 03 20 20 09 58


In application of the French Code of Intellectual Property and, more generally, of international treaties and agreements containing provisions relating to the protection of copyright, you are prohibited from reproducing for any use other than private, as well as from selling, distributing, issuing, broadcasting, adapting, modifying, publishing, communicating in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, the data, presentation or organisation of the site without the prior written authorisation of Météo Shopping.

French legislation on the right of access to computerised files

Declaration to the CNIL: file n° 1585939.
In accordance with the French law N- 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, the files and freedoms (CNIL), any user having deposited on this site of the directly or indirectly personal information, can ask for the communication of the personal information relating to it by addressing to: JD ENVIRONNEMENT - 1 rue des peupliers 56490 Saint Malo des trois fontaines and have it rectified if necessary.

Disclaimer of liability

While we have made every effort to ensure the reliability of the information contained on this website, Météo Shopping cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions, or for the results that may be obtained by using this information. Météo Shopping is held only of an obligation of means concerning the information which it places at the disposal of the people who reach its Internet site.
Moreover, the use of hypertext links can lead your consultation of our site towards other servers, servers on which Météo Shopping has no control.

Access to the website

The access to the Site is possible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in case of force majeure or of an event beyond the control of Météo Shopping and subject to possible breakdowns and maintenance interventions necessary for the good functioning of the Site and the related materials.
The access to the service is made from a microcomputer connected to a telecommunication network allowing the access to the Site according to the communication protocols used on the Internet network.